![Divine Healing Booklet](https://ebesunderraj.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Divine-Healing-Booklet-page1-668x1024.png)
Dr. Ebe Sunder Raj is a former Engineering Professor, Management Trainer, Social Activist and Spiritual Mentor.
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Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen! (Rev. 7:12)
This dream I had in early 2003, at my home in Chennai. I very rarely get dreams. This was an unusual dream. “I was sleeping in my regular bed. Suddenly I got up and saw a small streak of smoke (like agarbathi) coming up from my bed (quilt). I put it off by my right palm and went back to sleep. After a while I got up to see the entire quilt underneath in flame. I was trying to quench it pouring water.” I could never interpret that dream, as about my health as I was very healthy all my past years of life by the Lord’s pure grace.
After some months I developed back pain on the lower right side. I went to the hospital for checkup. A well-respected doctor there tested me and asked me to go to the main hospital. There the doctors identified Prostate congestion. Therefore, only urine flow test and echo of abdomen was done. I was put on Urimax medicine only. The back pain seemed to disappear, so I forgot all about it.
On 16 June I went for full medical checkup. It was a comprehensive test with CT scan. The scan found malignancy in my right kidney as big as a 5 cm lesion. The Urologist there offered to do the surgery with the first option of removing only the damaged part of the kidney and if found necessary then to remove the whole right kidney.
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I went for a second opinion to a hospital, which exclusively specializes in Nephrology. Those doctors advised “Needle aspiration” test to verify the occurrence of malignancy or as an alternative to allows this growth for 3 more months and then confirm on malignancy if the growth rate was found abnormal.
I was not comfortable with any of the above suggestions. I consulted Dr. Shyam Prasad, Chief of Lutheran Health Services in India. He was a source of great help and encouragement advising me in that crucial week to decide. As per his advice we decide to go to Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore.
Missionary Upholders Trust in Vellore arranged for my stay at MUT and my treatment at CMC. The team at MUT and its founder Brother JJ Ratnakumar did very valuable help. They do noble service to all cross-cultural workers from across India (www.mutindia.org).
The day before my admission in CMC Vellore we received Psalm 91: 14-16 (1) On the day of admission at CMC Vellore my portion in the daily devotion book was 1 Peter 2:24 (2) Lydia’s daily Bible portion was II kings 20:4-6 (3) The same day, Pastor Jayaseelan of Berachah church called by phone from Chennai and gave the same portion of scripture.
The surgeon at CMC who is a very committed Christian cautioned me that there was a 20% chance of recurrence of this malignancy and if it recurs there was no cure.
Pastor Nehemiah of vellore visited the hospital ward and gave me Exodus: 15:26 (4) as promise. On 1 July 04 my daily reading portion was Psalm 30:2-3 (5)
1 “Because he loves me I will protect him for he acknowledges my name. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.
2 “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.”
3 “I have heard your prayer and seen your tears and I will heal you on the third day”.
4 “If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and what is right in his eyes, I will not bring on you any of the diseases… for I am the LORD who heals you”
5 “Lord my God, I called you for help and you healed me.”
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On 2 July 2004 I had the surgery. I felt at ease in that hospital with godly nurses around as well as many godly doctors. Unlike the commercial hospitals, their sense of service to the poor was very evident. Though I am a person normally afraid of hospitals, I did not have fear about this surgery because of God’s grace. My right kidney was removed.
Our daughter Sheba and family came to Vellore from Bangalore and were very concerned about my health. During this period forgiving others and asking for forgiveness from others became a dominant exercise in my life. Reflecting and recollecting the past I tried my best to rectify relationships. Where I could not talk to the person directly, I wrote them letters of reconciliation. In my family circles I hardly had difficulty doing this. I have had warm relations with most of our extended families and friends.
However, I had to rectify some attitudinal hardness against a few Christian leaders, which I confessed to them. I rectified hardness against a few organizations with whom I had to do business in my national responsibilities.
Fairly soon after I was out of my surgery, one thing that dominated my mind was the need for a major hip surgery for Lydia. This was necessary to rectify an impediment she got during her childhood illness. In spite of the promises of God to me, it became a natural concern as head of the family to see that she stays healthy if I die.
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Because of the delicate nature of surgery and because of the extremely strict restrictions in that hospital (helpers were not allowed stay), I myself had to take care of her during her post operative care. This took away nearly two months of my prayer time and care for my own health.
Immediately following this we started searching for a girl for our son Martin. There was in me a strong sense of urgency to settle him in married life, before my next trip to the hospital after six months. Our goal was for a keenly committed believer girl from a godly family, open for spiritual anointing, working in some Christian service, because Martin could not go for full time Christian service as per our desire. Offers came from other girls who were working in secular services, some earning big salaries.
By the time we arrived at the conclusion on who was God’s choice for our son, her family had decided otherwise. I did not have time or energy to make one more round of searching for a girl. We prayed to the Lord that we chose her only as per His values, which excluded material factors. We had committed to the Lord that we will never go and see any girl and then say ‘No’ to her. I got up from my knees and told Lydia and Martin that she would join our family. A week later her family invited us to visit them. This search for a bride took away much of my time which I should
have spent in prayer for my health.
6 “But for you who revere my name the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in its wings”
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Then came the crucial date for my next six-monthly check-up at CMC, Vellore. It was 12 January 2005. I hardly could spend time in prayer, in the six months because of the above-mentioned family needs. I did not take anyone with me to Vellore, especially Lydia because of her recent surgery. I went alone, stayed at CMC guest house and underwent the CT scan next morning. In the afternoon I met my surgeon. On seeing my CT scan result he could not conceal his concern. Realizing that I am a servant God, he was plain in saying that the malignancy had spread to the liver. I asked him if that malignancy in the liver could be removed by surgery. He was pessimistic about it. He called in the Head of that Department, a dedicated surgeon. Both the doctors studied the scan and expressed the same opinion.
My surgeon was a pious Christian but was a plain-spoken physician to tell me that I would live only a very short period either with or without surgery. Therefore, surgery was not worth that trouble.
I called by phone Brother Ezekiah Francis, our spiritual friend of many years and a senior servant of God who prayed over phone. I must confess that my human frailty overtook me and I felt extremely lonely in that overcrowded hospital with several thousand patients, a feeling I never experienced in all my life.
I traveled alone by an unreserved night passenger train, which took a long time, long enough for me to worry all alone and all along to Chennai. Before leaving the doctors, I somehow persuaded them to give me a date for my liver surgery by February, which they reluctantly agreed for. Before my leaving my surgeon gave me (without my asking for) a CD copy of finding on the growth in my liver.
On reaching home in Chennai my two overwhelming concerns were to get our son Martin married immediately and to shift our rented residence to some place on a ground floor because of the hip surgery Lydia had.
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During the above period one important event happened. I attended in Chennai a small seminar on divine healing. Brother Joe Durai the teacher was a totally unknown person to me. By the way he shuns publicity he may continue to remain obscure. However, his teachings in that small seminar of about 20 persons so powerfully influenced my mind and my spirit. His core emphasis was on the word of God and our obedience to it, which is called ‘faith’.
I tried to put into practice what I learnt in that seminar. I tape recorded Bible verses on healing from the compilations of Brothers Joe Durai, Sam Jebadurai, Ezekiah Francis, Jesudos and other servants of God from their booklets, notes etc. up to six hours of duration and started hearing them for some hours daily.
I was a voracious reader of books, not only because of my responsibilities but also because of my few book writings. However, since Jan 2005 most of my reading time was turned to listening time, listening the recorded word of God. I could sense that the more listening I did, the primary focus of my perception was slowly shifting from my intellect to my spirit.
From January 2005 I made it a point to spend 3 days a month in solitude, prayer and meditation of God’s word. The camp center of Scripture Union at Mahabalipuram became my regular place of solitude. This helped me enormously to reflect on my past life, confess my transgressions, deviations, mistakes, wrong decisions, self-will etc. Confession to God and confession to the wronged became part of the inner life in those days.
Then came the day for my next visit to Vellore in February. Our auditor’s sister who is a staff at CMC Vellore had already arranged ward for my liver surgery in the hospital.
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Before I left for Vellore, Pastor Jayaseelan of Beraccah church arranged for prayer for me. Almost the whole congregation came for that night prayer, some with their infants and children. I was deeply touched by their love and the earnestness of their prayer. Brother Ezekiah Francis led that prayer and asked the Lord for a sign of his intervention in my terminating health.
Then I left for Vellore again alone. The plan was that my wife and son would join me just the day before my liver surgery. That evening I attended the prayer meeting at Pastor Nehemiah’s church in Vellore where he gave the verse Judges 6:23 (7)
The next morning, I told the hospital that I would like to have a CT scan before I am admitted for surgery. Their perception was that one month gap between Jan and Feb was too short a period to measure any growth or stagnation. But I insisted on a CT scan, which they agreed for.
In that afternoon I went to see my surgeon, but he had gone to Nagaland on some duty. The Head of Department had gone to conduct MBBS exams. Therefore, I could only meet his second in command.
That doctor checked my new CT and then put me on to MRI. After studying both reports he said, “The lesion in your liver has not enlarged since the January scan. It may be too short a period to see any difference. Secondly the colour is different. Come in after 3 months – that will give enough time to see the growth.
Our son’s wedding was solemnized on 4 April 05. Settling the couple took away some more days of my prayer time. My next visit to Vellore was coming close. So, I went to Mahabalipuram for my prayer session.
7 “Do not be afraid, you are not going to die”.
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My anxiety and loneliness were building up. I spent most of those three days in worship and faith confession in spite of my increasing anxiety. On 24 April at 8:15 am while returning from beach after long walk and worship with my earphone on with confessions of faith, came to the verse II Cor 6:2 and Isa 49.8 “the day of God’s favour”. There was very strong affirmation in my spirit and I knelt down on the sand at the beach and thanked the Lord.
I came to the room and worshipped the Lord for a long time. I called home by phone and named our daughter in law Esther as Anu (God’s favour).
On next Saturday my family and children fasted and prayed. On Sunday Pastor Jeyaseelan and the whole church prayed for me. Same evening, we reached CMC Vellore. Lydia and I prayed till mid night.
Around 12 midnight I saw the Lord Jesus kneeling down and praying. I could not discern whether it was a dream or a vision. When I realized that the Lord was interceding for me, I dropped myself down from the chair, knelt down and prayed. Then we slept.
Morning I met the surgeon (Head of the Liver Department who originally diagnosed spread of malignancy to the liver). He seemed puzzled to see the report. He rang up the SCAN Dept – He was not satisfied with his own computer screen and asked for direct report from SCAN department. He asked me to see him by 4 pm.
I met the surgeon by 4 pm. He said that nothing was found in the liver or anywhere. I said “Doctor God bless you for the good news from your mouth. However, I am an Yeshu bhakta.
8 “Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.”
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Two weeks ago, Yeshunather assured me that He has shown me his anughraha (favour)”. He, a Hindu surgeon, looked up, paused and replied. “If Yeshunathar has shown favor what more can I do?”
I returned to our room and thanked the Lord for a long time. I had, by faith, printed 500 copies of a healing tract for distribution, should the Lord heal me. I went around the hospital and distributed them.
The next 2 days I spent at SU Camp Center to know for what purpose the Lord extended my life and to plan to fulfill that purpose.
On 25 July 04 my birthday at home was given Isaiah 44:8 “Do not tremble do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witness. Is there any Lord besides me? No there is no other Rock, I know not one.” On reading this verse only I recollected what was predicted 25 years earlier. Then I was working as Field Director of FMPB. I had come down to Chennai on work, from northern India. I went to Brother DGS Dinakaran for prayer for some guidance in the ministry and not for my health. But he prayed for me and foretold that the Lord healed something in my kidney. I wondered within myself because I was very healthy then. Praise be to his most Holy name.
In any happening in life the most important aspect is not the experience but the lessons we learn from that experience. Experiences vary from person to person. Lessons do not. I am still trying to understand and learn some lessons from my experience interacting with mature servants of God in the light of the Holy Scripture. However, I venture to write below some lessons which I am learning. These are not conclusive dogmas. God is far bigger than all our understandings of Him put together. However, what little I learn I share below:
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Many who meet me now wonder how I am still alive. My standard three-word reply to them has been “Grace of God” There is no other logic, which can explain my experience. Then the immediate question in the mind of my reader would be “then why that grace does not operate in every one’s case equally. Why then God is partial to some ones?”
I do not have the full answer to that. If grace can be encased into a logical formula, it is not grace. However, I have a partial answer. It is given in Titus 2:11 & 12 “for the grace that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say ‘no’ to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live well-controlled and godly lives in the present age.” It gives the purpose of divine grace, and the human faithfulness expected by that divine grace.
In 2005 a healing meeting was conducted in Bangalore. One school age girl came up to the stage and shared how the Lord Jesus healed her of a major illness. She was very apologetic and as innocent as a child to ask the preacher “but I am a Hindu, why Jesus healed me”. Many were moved to tears. Because it is grace. But grace once it operates demands human response. If it is a case like the above girl, grace expects her to follow the teachings of the Lord after the healing had taken place. In case of a person who is already a believer, grace expects greater level of obedience to Lord’s teachings, after the healing has taken place.
Therefore, the level of standing of a person in faith (or non-faith) in itself is not a barrier for grace to operate. But once grace begins to operate it demands human obedience, in proportion to the grace bestowed. More grace expects more obedience. Human faithfulness is demanded (either prior to or post healing) for divine righteousness to cover a man and heal him (Malachi 4:2). We see in Psalm 85:11 “Faithfulness springs forth from the earth and righteousness looks down from heaven”. Divine righteousness will cover only a person who is willing to become faithful.
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To sum up, the first lesson I learnt during the illness was that I must always meditate on grace, which is a core character of God. In our Indian Bhakti tradition all our worship focuses on this one character of God (krupa, arul). Read on God’s grace, sing bhajans on God’s grace, speak about God’s grace, and meditate on God’s grace. Slowly the spiritual world becomes real, and you begin to show grace and mercy to others. Then healing will descend on you.
We read in Gal: 3:14 “He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the gentiles through Christ Jesus so that by faith we may receive the promise of the Spirit”. Thus, we inherit the covenant (both blessings and responsibilities). Some preachers today emphasize only the blessings and not the responsibilities implied in them.
I voice recorded promises, commands, blessings, and healings, found throughout the Holy Scripture. I recorded six hours long selections from the Holy Scripture and heard them daily for one to two hours. Slowly the holy scriptures created faith in me, enough to believe that God’s word works beyond its immediate literal text and time and that health and healing through God’s words are available for all seekers.
I listened to recorded scripture daily. This was besides my daily prayer and Bible meditation. “Faith comes from hearing (receiving) the word of God” (Romans 10:17).
Why not the Holy Spirit directly speak into my ears or spirit instead of through written Scripture? Sometimes He may do so but mostly He does not so. The simple answer is, if the Holy Spirit directly speaks into the ears of every man, we will stop reading the Holy Scripture. And every man will begin to “hear” what he would like to hear. The flesh is so deceptive. Therefore, God mostly confines his speaking through the scripture but inspired by Spirit for the specific context of each person
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God speaks directly even today, into the ears or mind of very mature, godly men and women who are mature to separate the voice of the Spirit from voice of their flesh.
To sum up, the ultimate purpose of the Holy Scripture is not for us to claim and obtain material blessings, or healings or protection. The ultimate purpose of the Holy Scripture is to transform us to reach ultimately the very character of God, his holiness, righteousness, mercy, grace, power, humility and love.
However, by giving us the physically needed blessings, protection, provisions, healing, through our claiming the Scripture, God enables us to take the Scripture very seriously so that we may obey its commandments. In simple words, God trains us to expect Him to act according to His holy word so that God can expect us to act according to His holy word before or after we receive its physical blessings. This is what is called faithfulness of God and faithfulness of man.
Our Lord’s Prayer is the core and essence of all the prayers that we can ever make. One of the lines says, “Forgive our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”. This is a very strange statement. It does not say “Forgive my sin because I have done pretty well after all” or “give me just one more chance” or “please understand my circumstances”. No trick seems to work except the trick of God.
When I forgive a man, I only cover him with human righteousness. In turn when God forgives me, He covers me with divine righteousness. Human righteousness is visible. Divine righteousness is invisible, but visible only to God, the angels and the devil. The devil is terrified to touch a person who is covered by divine righteousness. (Malachi 4:2) The devil cannot claim a forgiving person even if he is immature, spirituality imperfect in practice.
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But there is a problem. “If I keep on forgiving that man who causes so much problem to me or to my family or to my workplace, how and when he will repent? Will he not destroy my whole family or organization?” Yes, he will, if you don’t take the matter to the appropriate authority. In the case of a family to the family elders, in case of an organization to its managing board. You must report the matter fully and completely to the persons who only have the authority as well as responsibility over the offender. Then pray and wait for results. Most importantly hand over the man to the Lord’s discipline.
With that your full responsibility is over. That will remove bitterness against him. The indicator that you have forgiven him is when you have no bitterness. When a wrong man has wronged a right man and when the matter is referred to the Court, the Court is now responsible to find out the wrong and punish the man who is in the wrong. During that period, when the matter is in the Court, the right man should not attack the wrong man, not even abuse him or defame him by words. It is called “Contempt of Court / Sub Judice” which means disrespect or nonconfidence in the ability of the court to execute justice.
Similarly, when I do not hand over my offender to God’s court and wait for justice but meddle with the case with my mouth or hands I have disrespected God’s court and its wisdom or capacity to execute justice. This is contempt of God’s court. This is a very serious offence. God surely executes justice but very often not in the speed or way or the manner or the measure we expect. He is the wisest, he knows the best for all.
I have seen or heard of hundreds who testified how they got healing, the moment they forgave a family member/friend/ foe/ coworker. Very often this healing happened in the absence of any healer/ preacher/ pastor. They honored God’s Court and the Court ordered them healing.
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Satan became Satan not because he saw bad movies or used hard drugs or killed someone in rage; but because he became proud. Therefore, pride is the greatest of all sins. Perhaps all sins except pride are pardonable because they all can be repented of. But a proud man cannot repent as well as be proud at the same time. Therefore, pride is an unpardonable sin, because pride cannot repent.
Most of us have a wrong concept (idea) about the character of God. By popular preaching and writing we get the idea that God is the proudest of all beings and that He destroys anyone who does not fall in line. God is certainly the most majestic dignified being worthy of all respect. But He is also the humblest of all. God does not ask you to practice any quality, which He himself does not practice. Humility is one such value (Mathew 11:29) God came in the flesh, became poor, endured humiliation, suffered silently for other’s wickedness and died (Phil 2:8).
Many mix up humility with inferiority complex. They say all the time “I am useless, I am nothing, I am worthless” and never attempt anything great, noble, majestic or divine. Therefore, both pride and inferiority complex come from the same root viz self-indulgence. They all the time think about themselves or think as to what others think of them. But a humble man half the time thinks of God, the rest of the time thinks about (the welfare of) others only. He just does not have the time to think about himself. Now when to feel majestic, and when to feel equals and when to feel humble? Most people mix it up badly.
9 “If your enemy is hunger, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head and the Lord will reward you.”
10 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
11 “And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross!”
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First in the presence of God we must humble ourselves absolutely. Isaiah 6:5 (12); Rev. 1:17 (13) The indwelling part of Christ and the indwelling part of Holy Spirit commune with us humans as eldest Brother and Companion respectively. However, they both are also part of the Triune God. Therefore, we need to relate to them both with deep love – Mark 12:30 (14) as well as deep reverence – Rev 5:12 (15).
Secondly in the presence of God’s children show deep, pure and sincere equality. Small siblings do a lot of squabbling among themselves, but never are arrogant against one another, or compare one with another. Because they all equally own a father. In the Sabha no one should (be allowed to) feel superior or inferior to one another.
If this happens it is not God’s house. It is a market place. We must wash one another’s feet as the Lord commanded us. Thirdly when to be proud and assertive? Every righteous believer should be assertive in the presence of the devil. We must exhibit all our (divinely bestowed) majesty, authority and power before the devil.
We must exercise all our rulership bestowed on us as the sons of God (by the redeeming blood of our Saviour) and keep the devil constantly on the run. We should not show the slightest feeling of inferiority complex or doubt or fear before him.
12 “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”
13 “When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: ‘Don not be afraid. I am the First and the Last’.”
14 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
15 “In a loud voice they sang: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise.”
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Only one important condition. Before commanding the devil, we must do heart search before God and be cleared of all disobedience to His revealed will even in small things. We must forgive and receive forgiveness from brothers. But do not wait for perfection. Holiness and righteousness is a lifelong growth process. God’s rigorousness covers constantly every believer who walks humbly before God (Micah 6:8). The devil is terrified and becomes powerless when he meets a believer who walks humbly with God.
The Lord redeems us individually but nurtures us collectively. The idea of a “spiritual loner” is pagan and demonic. Anyone who claims to be led by God’s voice only and does not listen to assembly of God has gone astray. After my illness and recovery, I was advised by spiritual elders to be
in continuous fellowship with God’s people especially with very mature leaders who can be watchmen for my inner health.
Even among Christians some do not believe in divine healing. What my friends do not believe in affects my faith. What my family members do not believe, affects my faith, very imperceptibly (without my knowing it). However, I try to follow the above advice as much as I can. Where a higher level of life begins to work in you, there has to be the diminishing of the lower values like feelings, opinion of others, self-image etc.
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Almost all mature preachers and teachers on healing stress the importance of health over healing. Illness, with some exceptions is the result of negligence of health. It is failure of man to take care of his body either physically, emotionally, socially or ethically. There come illnesses of course that are beyond the control or capacity of the individual man. There God intervenes, in answer to prayer. But God is not responsible for maintenance of my health.
Divine healing (occasional extra natural divine intervention) may come from God. But maintenance of my health is my human responsibility. Avoid fast food, unhealthy food, unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy company of friends, bad relationships, undisciplined life, unspiritual lifestyle. Natural simple food, plenty of drinking water, regular exercise, warm family relationship, slow pace of life, godly values and lofty goals in life, forgiving others build health.
When a person maintains the above and still faces major illness, he deserves divine intervention and can ask confidently the Lord for his healing grace. If someone had failed in the above disciplines of life, he can still ask the Lord’s forgiveness for his negligence and ask the Lord’s healing grace, but only with the promise/commitment that he will make double obedience to His instructions.
I have been very healthy physically till my age 64 because I used bicycle for my travels till the age of 53, jogged till the age of 55 and continue to take very simple natural food for the last 30 years. I think I failed or neglected badly somewhere that I got seriously ill at 64.
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There are two extreme views that need to be avoided. One is dependence only on doctors and medicines. The other is dependence only on divine healing even for a cold and cough. The balanced view is that every healing whether with or without medicine is only by God’s grace and God given wisdom. Physicians are God’s servants to minister to our physical wellbeing as much as pastors are God’s servants to care for our spiritual wellbeing. God mostly heals us through nature or very simple medicines. When they fail, God intervenes directly.
When the poor people, cannot afford even simple medical care, God intervenes in answer to prayer. However, we must always give liberally to the poor for their health care. We should not pay heavily for our own medical bills and tell the poor that “God will heal you”. This is hypocrisy. We must give them money and also fast and pray for them. When you help materially and pray for the health of the really poor, you rarely get sickness – Psalm 41:1,3 (16)
Sins seem to fall into three categories:
A. Sin against oneself: Sins that harm no other person than myself – drugs, drinking, porn or any other defiling of my body, mind, emotions, or spirit, etc. It appears that there is less chance of the consequences of such a sin affecting my future generation, except economically or emotionally.
B. Sin that primarily does harm to others: Sorcery, black magic, adultery, false court cases, false witness, forgery, spoiling the welfare or reputation of another man or his family or children, etc. This category of sins may affect the future generation of that person unless repented of fully.
16 “Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble”. “The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness.”
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C. Sins that affect the honor of God, blasphemy, disobedience to his revealed will in very major decisions, gross failures by leaders, effecting many followers, etc. This third category, many of them may carry consequence down the generation. To sum up, if you come across an illness that does not go away by prayer and medical, psychological or social therapy, seek a very mature servant of God to check if there is any generational block that
needs to be removed by special counseling and prayer.
1. What are the ways by which God heals?
Primarily through the faith of the patient (unless the patient is a child). To the patient’s faith, the faith and prayer of his family, godly pastor or preacher or church elders or praying believers give additional support or power or grace to receive healing. A great healer preacher is not always necessary to heal you.
2. Where should I go for prayer for my healing, to my church or to a healing crusade?
If you are a believer, go to your church and ask your whole Sabha to pray for your healing. The Sabha is given by God enormous spiritual authority as well as responsibility to pray for your healing (James 5:14-16). But many Sabhas do not exercise that authority and power (Eph 1:18-23).
Healing public meetings are meant primarily for non- believers to know Christ, through healing. This is why more non- believers and non-Christians get healed in such public meetings than believers. However, attending such meetings will enhance your faith toward healing. God may heal you there as well.
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3. Who is the best preacher I should go for my healing?
No one person. You are prepared (by God) toward your healing, by a series of persons by their instructions, revelation, corrections, faith, prayers, etc. The last person in that series can be anyone, even a half literate praying mother. No one person can get all the credit for your healing except God.
4. How long / how much I should pray?
As long and as much you can pray. The Lord said, “pray without giving up”. Pray till God shows your mistakes, sins, violations, etc. Also ask as many persons as possible to pray for your health. More important is meditating and reciting (confessing) the scriptures that increases your faith preparing you for healing.
5. Because of my job / my family care I have very little time for prayer / scripture confessions.
God knows your time limitation. He will reward according to your earnestness and seriousness. However, avoid all the times given to the mobile, television, gossip, socializing and all non-essential engagements. Save your time, especially your mind to concentrate on one thing – your healing.
6. I read my Bible chapter by chapter. Shall I do more of it for my healing?
When a person is healthy and if he takes a balanced diet, he does not need vitamins or medicines. Similarly regular Bible reading is like taking food, for your health. But when you are ill you need medicine and concentrated nutrition which your body will not be able to extract from your normal food intake. In emergency, you need intravenous nutrition and medicine. Similarly, during serious illness use selected scripture verses on faith confession, healing, worship and praises and promises of God. They are available in all Christian book shops and websites. They are like nutrient extracts and medicine
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7. How soon I can expect healing?
God is gracious, merciful, forgiving, loving and wise. If God decides to heal you, never tell him when or how soon he must do it. He may do it in a day, a month, a year, instantly or in a very slow process. Much depends on your obedience and several extraneous factors.
8. What are the things to avoid?
Avoid using self-defeating words like “terminal illness”. God can heal at any stage of illness (John 11:43). I have seen some “terminally ill” patients healed. In the unreached fields many people have been raised from death bed, a few from the dead (Matt 10:7-9). Jesus said, ‘nothing will be impossible for you’ (Matt 17:20). Avoid using words like “irreversible illness”. God can reverse the irreversible – Matt 19:26 (18) Avoid using the words like “it is hereditary” God can break the genetic chain.
9. Can we pray to God to heal all sickness?
Here we are talking about life threatening and life crippling illnesses. For such, we can pray with expectation, especially if the patient is young or of middle age or even an elderly person of much value to the society.
10. During the Corona Pandemic many innocent and good people also died. Several senior servants of God also died. Why was that?
Yes. I wept and wailed much over that happening. I asked God for the reason. I got so far only partial answer. I will get full answer in heaven. These are last days of the world as predicted in the holy scripture in Mathew: 24 and II Timothy: 3. There is fierce war going on between the forces of evil and the forces of good. In between some innocent and righteous people also get affected in the war zone. In the warfare term it is called ‘Collateral Damage’.
Secondly, during the Corona period many health professionals and social workers voluntarily committed to serve the sick and the dying. In that noble service some of them died. Their families will be blessed by God. In the same way in the past ages many missioners and volunteers went to serve the most needy of the world and some of them died in their noble services. Their families were blessed by God.
18 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
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11. Final word:
Healing is not the ultimate purpose of God. His ultimate purpose is to transform us to His character. God can use healing and all other means to fulfill this purpose.
Below are 100 Promises. If you meditate on and confess them daily your faith for divine healing will grow.
I am deeply grateful to all the servants of God mentioned in this booklet as well as those who could not be mentioned, who prayed for me, instructed me, corrected me, and encouraged me in the walk of faith.
My thanks are due to Ratna, Anu, Samson Luke, Sam Blesson and Andrew in bringing this writing into booklet form.
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